Friday, March 12, 2010

SO sorry people! Didn't manage to book the BBQ pits. What about eating at those seafood restaurants at ECP?

Hello everyone!

We'll be having our second CT outing on either the 20th(Sat) or 21st(Sun) of March so please do indicate your preference! The reason it's not during weekdays is because Joyce is having camp and it'll be quite depressing for her to miss 2 CT outings in a row :(

We'll be going to East Coast tentatively. The activities haven't been planned yet so you guys can tag at the tagboard to suggest them! We'll do another poll soon to decide :D
What has been suggested is that there'll be a BBQ at night. That is, if I manage to book a BBQ pit. Please indicate if you like the idea of a BBQ!

Yup, that's all for now! Thanks for answering!


we are...




CT Cheer

thanks to